Don’t get on the party plane. The late night flight where everyone just wants to have a good time before they land at their final destination. Where booze flows from take off to landing. And the two girls in the row next to you can’t believe they scored a seat next to such a hottie. Their incessant giggling for five straight hours is sure to get the message across that they are in for a good time. And don’t forget, the party plane never goes dark. It is currently 2 am at our destination and the flight attendants have turned off the aisle lights. But when you score the best seats on the plane, two rows from the back, everyone turns on their individual light to keep the party going.
The couple behind you isn’t part of the party but they are both like, so happy that they found such a cool person to sit next to. They each like, hate, when they get stuck next to someone who, like, doesn’t want to talk. Each person is definitely in a relationship and totally committed. But they would love to show each other some pictures of their significant others. And they both agree that his girlfriend looks like a really good person, with, like, a really great heart and that it’s like, really nice to have found someone who they each, like, really care about.
It feels like there is a light at the end of the tunnel when the plane starts to finally descend. Until the really chill guy in the last row offers to help explain all the technicalities of the plane to everyone. It’s very calming to hear him describe how the plane slows itself by engaging, something called, breaks. And it turns out, that weird buzzing sound is just the pilot bringing the wheels down. The seat belt light comes on so that no one gets hurt if there is a bump. And that rocking you feel, no worries, it’s just the wind blowing the massive plane around.
The party plane also offers karaoke, empty liquor bottles and just enough exhaustion to leave you delirious as you walk off and start your vacation.